- ActiBlur
- A solution to blur specific faces in a video or live stream.
- 3rd place at Pinnacle - Olympics of Hackathons (2021)
- I was in charge of the Computer Vision part. My approach consisted of detecting faces, extracting the faces' bounding boxes
and generating embeddings
- Tech stack of the project: OpenCV, Scikit-learn, Mediapipe, Img2Vec, Flask, React
- Links: Devpost, Github
- SafetyNet
- A solution to detect falls specifically designed for elderly. Check out our pitch on Youtube
- Winning project at HackDartmouth VI (2021)
- I was in charge of the Computer Vision part. My approach consisted of combining mediapipe's pose detection
solution and training a model on scikit-learn
- Tech stack of the project: OpenCV, Scikit-learn, Mediapipe, Flask, React
- Links: Devpost, Github
- Helppier
- Developed in less than 36 hours, Helppier is an app meant to connect individuals with volunteering
opportunities. We were inspired by the challenges proposed by COVID-19 and thought it is an important moment
where volunteering should be made easier. Whether you are shielding and you need someone to pick your
groceries or someone looking to assist your community, Helppier is made for you. Check out our pitch on Youtube
- Winning project at Hack The North 2020
- I was in charge of developping our own cryptocurrency (KarmaCoin). I used the ERC-20 standard for the
token, Solidity, Microsot Azure Blockchain service, and Node.js with Express and web3.js for an API handling
the requests to get wallets and update the users' balance
- Tech stack of the project: Flask, React, Node.js with Express, CockroachDB
- Links: Devpost, Github
- Generate renders
- An API to remove the background from photos
- Restful API built in Python and Flask with a U2-Net model doing the work (Computer Vision project)
- Links: Github
- Neighbird
- A twitter chatbot meant to connect individuals within a community
- Submitted for Codechella (Twitter's 2020 Hackathon)
- Tech stack: Flask, MongoDB, Twitter API
- Links: Github
- Listefy
- A command line tool to unclutter your Twitter timeline. It exports your Twitter followings to a list
- Links: Github
- Moogle
- Search engine meant to recreate the experience of Google
- Designed for user studies as part of my PhD research
- Front-end with React and flask in the backend to collect user session data (dwell time, pages visited, )
- Not publicly available
- Semantically Enhanced Negative Sampling (Undergraduate thesis)
- Not publicly available. Paper to be submitted
- Language of Shakespeare’s Plays
- Deborah the Pathfinder
- Winning project at StrathHack 2016
- Link: Devpost