- Ctrl + b -> d: Detach the current client
- Ctrl + b -> ": Split the current pane into main, top and bottom
- Ctrl + b -> %: Split the current pane into main, left and right
- Ctrl + b -> $: Rename the current session
- Ctrl + b -> :resize-pane -> -{U,D,L,R} [nbr of cells]: Resize pane up, down, left or right with the optional argument of number of cells
- tmux a -t [target session]: Attach to the target session
- tmux a: Attach to the last active session
- tmux ls: List all the active sessions
another useful resource for tmux: here
To manage packages and environments
- conda create --name [ENV NAME]: Command to create the environment
- conda create -n myenv python=3.6: Command to create the environment 'myenv' with a specific python version
- conda info --envs (OR conda env list): List all of my environments
- conda list: List all of the packages in the environment
- conda env remove --name [ENV NAME]: Remove a conda environment
- conda clean -a: Remove all (-a) unused packages and cache